Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institute

Non-Surgical, Drug Free Back Pain Relief

Call 317-653-4503

8202 Clearvista Pkwy #9D Indianapolis, Indiana 46256

Questions About Our Peripheral Back Program

We have developed an effective spinal rehabilitation program for conditions of the lumbar spine with a focus on chronic and severe cases. The program consists of FDA cleared, non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, focused on decompressing the high amounts of pressure built up in the discs, to take pressure off the nerves.

Disc problems of many varieties including bulging discs, herniated discs or ruptured and protruding discs of the lumbar spine, degenerative discs, facet joint syndrome, sciatica, mild spondylolisthesis, radiculopathy, and spinal stenosis (pinched nerves).

Very high, actually. Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institute Center only accepts patients we truly feel we can help. Our overall success rate for spinal decompression is 85-90%.

The cost is reasonable, and we provide everyone with the opportunity to receive spinal decompression therapy by offering flexible payment plans. During your consultation, the doctor will determine if you are a candidate and fully explain to you how much it will cost before any charges are posted. If it is felt that you are not a candidate for care, the doctor will tell you and there will be no charge.

Different types of insurance cover different costs associated with the therapy. We are happy to check your coverage levels for you during your first appointment, so you know your exact benefits and any costs before beginning treatment.

Absolutely! We can provide several flexible payments to accommodate most people's needs.

Each session requires 45-60 minutes on average. In most cases, it is recommended that you receive therapy three days a week, for six to seven weeks.

Our approach is set up to bring you long-lasting relief, so you do not have to return. In some cases, we may recommend periodic follow-up maintenance, typically at a frequency of once a month.

Most patients are able to maintain a work schedule. If you undergo any physically demanding activities, we may prescribe a brace or limit your work activities at the beginning of your care program.

Patients with conditions that compromise the spinal column, such as: osteomalacia (severe osteoporosis), myelitis, ankylosing spondylitis, recent fractures, unstable spondylolisthesis with pars defects, and cancer or tumors.

Yes, in most cases, as long as certain implantable devices have not been used.

Call 317-653-4503

8202 Clearvista Pkwy #9D Indianapolis, Indiana 46256

Indiana Regenerative Medicine Institute

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